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Candidate Military Deferment For Chicago Police Department

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  • Candidate Military Deferment For Chicago Police Department

    I have question about military deferments for candidates. My military unit is planning to put me on active orders, but I'm also a candidate for the Chicago Police, and NYPD.

    I'm on the list for NYPD, and they already agreed to place me on military deferment with no questions asked. All I had to do was provide proof of my existing on-going military service, and now I have letter-in-hand from NYPD.

    I anticipate being on the list for Chicago soon, but my upcoming orders will cause conflict in such way that I cannot immediately take the job. My preference is to work for CPD.

    I called various departments within the city asking about military deferment, but no one seems to have an answer. Anyone have any experience with this scenario? Request is for guidance. Thanks.

  • #2
    I would have to think CPD also has military deferment as well. Some #'s to possibly call: Recruit Processing 312-745-5230; Human Resources 312-745-5369.
    So you already took the exam? How far have you progressed through the pre-hiring process?

